Friday, March 18, 2016

Book IHG hotel rooms a day before everyone else!

IHG hotels open reservations a bit less than a year in advance.  If you're trying to reserve a hotel room during a big event, you know how important it can be to book right when availability comes online.

Here's a quick trick to book a day ahead of everyone else.

First, let's say you want to book March 3-4, but March 4 isn't open yet.  When you select March 3 as your start date, you hit a dead end and get an error when you try to submit the form.

The trick is to select another date; for example, March 2.

Now, when you hit the results screen, click on "Change Search".

Then you can select "March 3" as your check-in date and your check out date will be set to March 4.


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